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Lawrence Beck, CPC

Team Lead, Recruiting and Business Development

Lawrence joined SEMbio in 2011. He attended Texas Tech University on a path that led him to obtain his Master’s degree in Sports Management. But within a couple of years of working in the sports world, the opportunity to be a recruiter arose and has led to an exciting career with SEMbio. He is also a Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC), which provides continued education on best business practices and standards of ethics in recruiting. He enjoys recruiting Medical Science Liaisons because they are an intellectual, sociable, and professional group of people that are fun to interact with every day.

When he’s not recruiting, Lawrence spends his free time playing hockey, softball, kayaking, contributing to SEMbio’s blog, and teaming up with SEMbio’s trivia team.

[email protected] | (972) 584-1047 | LinkedIn

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