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Virtual Reality and Summer Baseball

I have had this conversation so many times with neighbors and friends, business colleagues, and within the SEMbio family. The expectation of how the stay at home orders would impact everyone’s day to day activities ranged from minimal to life-completely upended. Now everyone in my professional world is working from home. Anyone that thought working from home 24/7 would be a breeze was in for a rude awakening. During the first two weeks of Stay at Home, the medical affairs professionals were much more available than they had been under normal circumstances. It was great to be able to catch…

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4 Tips for Turning in Your Resignation

These Guidelines Will Help Make Your Next Resignation Easier. Everybody - well, almost everybody - will interview for a new job at some point in their life. The funny thing is that when that time comes, job seekers spend all of their time preparing and studying for the interview itself and they find themselves not mentally prepared for what comes after the interview. Sometimes it’s easy to spend so much time getting ready for the actual interview that we neglect to prepare for the part of the process that ends up being the toughest - turning in your resignation. Consider…

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