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3 Reasons to Ditch Motivation for Discipline

People put a lot of stock into motivation. Motivation has turned into big business. It is estimated that the motivational speaking industry brought in $1.9 billion in 2019! Being told all of the ways we can motivate ourselves each day is kind of intoxicating. A bit of motivational inspiration can make us feel like today is the day we turn our lives around! Imagine that - the idea that one day's worth of work will lead to years' worth of change. But there is a great substitute for motivation: discipline. Here are three reasons why. 1 - Motivation is fleeting…

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5 Key Takeaways from our Degree-Specific Recruiter Hangout

SEMbio hosted our third virtual recruiter hangout last week. If you haven't tuned in yet, this is where SEMbio hosts dozens of MSLs or aspiring MSLs to join us along with a panel of experienced MSLs or MSL managers to discuss popular topics followed by a Q&A session. Last week's hangout was again geared towards aspiring MSLs but this time we made sure to have all degree types represented to better gear our pros' advice to all audiences. Here are 5 key takeaways: 1 - Set yourself apart with unique clinical experience The nurse practitioners and physician assistants out there…

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3 Steps to Talking Yourself Off the Ledge

Change is scary. It can be nerve-racking on a normal day, and even more so during a pandemic. Many people naturally avoid it as much as possible. Pharma is a constantly-changing industry. Many people have, by no fault of their own, become very used to change and frequent job changes. Others, however, have made very few job changes and it becomes a daunting task to make a move. Making a job change forces us out of our comfort zone, which makes us anxious. The anxiety can cloud our judgment and it's human nature for us to start overthinking things and…

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It’s Time For Your Annual Physical – For Your Resume

IT’S TIME FOR YOUR ANNUAL PHYSICAL! (for your resume, that is…) In a conversation last week with one of my favorite industry friends, we discussed the importance of keeping your resume up-to-date. He basically said, “Well I’m not actively looking, but I should probably have my resume up-to-date, right?” It opened up a great conversation.  As the Metaphor Queen, I said, “Well, yeah. You should update your resume just like it’s a required annual physical.”  The more we talked about it, and yes, it went into a weird direction for a hot minute, we both realized that YES, you should. …

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5 Tips for Working with a Recruiter in Medical Affairs

A job search can be a very daunting experience for most, whether it was your decision to find a new job or you were forced to find something new due to outside circumstances. Having a specialized recruiter to help walk you through the process can be extremely beneficial, especially in Medical Affairs for MSL roles where the interview process can be unique and time-consuming. As someone who never personally used recruiters before I became one, I know there are many others out there who don’t truly understand the most efficient and effective ways to use recruiters. Below are some tips…

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