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3 Tricks and 3 Treats for Your MSL Career

Treat: Being vocal about a promotion Just like a kid asking for candy on Halloween, sometimes you have to ask for what you want. There may be such a thing as career tunnel vision by setting your sights on moving up the career ladder a little too early and therefore missing out on other key stepping stones along the way. But just making it clear to your boss that you're interested in moving up could at least get you on the radar the next time promotion opportunities arise. Trick: Not taking your resume seriously enough We see a lot of…

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3 Ways To Finish The Year Strong

Pop quiz: Did you set annual goals at the beginning of the year? Of course, you did, because we talked about the importance of it! Well, we're heading into the final days of the year. Unless you're a truly unique overachiever, you likely have goals left to accomplish this year. So like a good coach, it's time to take ourselves to the locker room and evaluate where we're at and see if we need to adjust our gameplan to ensure we finish the year successfully.  1. Remove Unmanageable Resolutions  Did you bite off a little more than you can chew…

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5 Reasons To Write Thank-You Notes After Interviews

We’ve discussed how to write a thank-you note but it’s worth remembering why we write them, too. Although it is easy to sit down and write a short note, hardly anyone does, and the moment you do, you set yourself aside from the crowd. You will be surprised how many people overlook this simple, yet very important step after a job interview. They take the time to prepare to answer all the questions and leave thinking “I got this” just to find out that a similar candidate went above and beyond and sent out individual thank you notes and got…

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3 Reasons Verbal Communication is Better than Email

We're living a digital age with an immense appeal that provides the fast lane in communicating with email and texts. Yes, it seems like we can get more done by firing off rapid emails. However, due to the nature of the written word, sometimes it can prove to be counter-productive. Here are 3 Reasons Verbal Communication is Better than Email. 1. You can't read tone in an email. We'll lead off with this one because it's probably the most important. How many times have you received an email but unable to identify a specific attitude within the message? Humans rely…

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5 Ways MSLs Relieve Stress at Work

At times stressful situations occur without warning. Whether it’s the car breaking down, dog chewing on your favorite shoes, missing your flight, or not getting that job. Some situations we can avoid, some we can control, and some we must just deal with. Dealing with stress can be challenging and at times just plain destructive. It slows down our motivation, productivity, control, plans, and ultimately the outcome of our day. It's even more difficult when those situations occur at work as we're limited in time to ourselves and on the clock. So, how do you continue with your day and…

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