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7 Ways to Speed Up Your Hiring Process and Win the Talent War

Time is the Primary Enemy in the Race for Talent When you think of frustrating causes of losing your top candidate, the one you desperately wanted to hire, what do you think of? I remember early on in my career when something didn’t go the way I thought it would. My mentor told me: “Did you do all that you could?” If you did, then it wasn’t meant to be. If you didn’t do all you could, figure out when and where you dropped the ball and fix your process. TIME. This remains one of our biggest enemies in the…

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Preparing for a Video Interview

Video Interviews Are Now Commonplace Video interviews are now commonplace and for good reason. They’re an efficient and cost-effective way to judge a candidate’s communication skills, professional appearance, and even their tech-savviness simultaneously. But don't get nervous when asked to do one just because it’s unfamiliar. Here are some tips to help yourself get comfortable and prepared for your next video interview. Test your equipment beforehand. Nothing gets your interview started off on the wrong foot quite like being unprepared. Have your equipment and internet connection ready before your interview. Take time in advance to ensure that the camera is…

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