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5 Tips for Working with a Recruiter in Medical Affairs

A job search can be a very daunting experience for most, whether it was your decision to find a new job or you were forced to find something new due to outside circumstances. Having a specialized recruiter to help walk you through the process can be extremely beneficial, especially in Medical Affairs for MSL roles where the interview process can be unique and time-consuming. As someone who never personally used recruiters before I became one, I know there are many others out there who don’t truly understand the most efficient and effective ways to use recruiters. Below are some tips…

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This weekend marks the 31st Father’s Day without my father. I must admit that nineteen is a pretty young age to lose your dad. He was larger than life.  He was my compass. He was the one I strove to impress.  No offense to my mom; she was always proud of me. There was just something about my dad. He served in the United States Marine Corps for an impressive 31 years. At the age of seventeen, my dad went to Korea, was trapped in the Chosin Reservoir, and came home with the Purple Heart, along with some shrapnel that…

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Virtual Reality and Summer Baseball

I have had this conversation so many times with neighbors and friends, business colleagues, and within the SEMbio family. The expectation of how the stay at home orders would impact everyone’s day to day activities ranged from minimal to life-completely upended. Now everyone in my professional world is working from home. Anyone that thought working from home 24/7 would be a breeze was in for a rude awakening. During the first two weeks of Stay at Home, the medical affairs professionals were much more available than they had been under normal circumstances. It was great to be able to catch…

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3 Takeaways: Zoom Hangout Session for Aspiring MSL Candidates

3 Takeaways from SEMbio's Recruiter Hangout Session for Aspiring MSL Candidates Leveraging our work-from-home opportunity and everyone's growing video conference skills to provide ZOOM Recruiter Hangouts. SEMbio invites MSLs and MSL candidates to join us in a discussion about industry-related topics. We geared last week's event specifically for aspiring MSL candidates trying to land their first MSL position. We were joined by long-time friends and industry colleagues Brant Jarrett, and Johanna Purcell. They offered insights from those who have been in the role in addition to our recruiter insights. Here are 3 Takeaways from Recruiter Zoom Hangout Session for Aspiring…

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SEMbio’s MSL Recruiter Hangout Session 2

We had so much fun doing our first Recruiter Hangout that we wanted to do another one!  This Zoom Recruiter Hangout is geared towards aspiring MSL candidates. We know there are a lot of questions out there about how to break into the role and what it's like once you do. We will also have some experienced MSLs as panelists with us so you can learn from the best!  When: Wednesday, June 3rd Time: 4 pm CT How to sign up? Fill out the form here! A password and link to the meeting will be sent to you the day prior…

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