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Runnin’ Down A Dream: 5 Sembio Hangout Takeaways

A couple of weeks ago we hosted another "SEMbio Hangout." SEMbio Hangouts are a series of virtual meetings we host via Zoom where we meet with MSLs, aspiring MSLs, and MSL managers to discuss trends or popular topics. Our topic last week was "Runnin' Down a Dream," where we got to pick the brains of a few new MSLs to hear their thoughts on how they were able to land their first MSL positions. Our three panelists - Rebecca Hill, Renee Rotolo, and Ren-Jay Shei - have all become MSLs in the past couple of years. While it's always nice…

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5 Key Takeaways from “Extreme Ownership”

Medical Science Liaisons don’t typically manage people, but that doesn’t mean leadership concepts don’t still apply to the day-to-day work. I always enjoy hearing MSLs explain to me what their mindset is when it comes to running their territory. There are commonalities shared among high-performing MSLs and the way they approach the management of their territory. Many prefer to act as the "CEO" of their territory. I recently read a book called Extreme Ownership: How US Navy SEALs Lead and Win. It’s written by a pair of former Navy SEALs, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, who now take the lessons…

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SEMBio Recruiter Hangout –  Different Avenues into Industry

SEMbio is excited to announce our next Recruiter Hangout geared towards aspiring MSLs. This session’s focus will be on the different paths you can take to break into that first MSL role. We know it can take some candidates months to a couple of years to break in, and everyone has had different roles prior to industry. We will be utilizing breakout rooms to help facilitate more candid discussions and will have some guest panelists joining us! Sign up now as space is limited. Date: Thursday, August 6th Time: 4pm – 5:30pm CT Where: Online (Link will be sent to…

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7 Ways to be Luckier

St. Patrick’s Day might have been last week but that doesn’t mean we can’t still think about increasing our luck! Here are 7 ways to be luckier.  Prepare There is a tendency for people to think that others who achieve all of their goals must be lucky. But maybe that “luck” is a product of being prepared. Think of preparation as laying the groundwork for the “lucky” things to fall in place. The formula for reaching our goals usually equals a lot of hard work + a little bit of luck. So if you carry out your end of the…

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