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5 Signs It’s Time To Make A Job Change

It can be intimidating to start a job search, not to mention time-consuming. But sometimes the smart move is to explore what else is out there, even if that feels a little scary. Here are some signs that even if you’re comfortable in your current role, it might be time to take a risk with something new. Not Feeling Challenged Just because you’re happy enough in your current role doesn’t mean you’re really satisfied. If you’re looking for the chance to grow and develop, it might make more sense to start somewhere fresh where those opportunities exist. Maybe your company siloes…

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Tips and Tricks for Writing a Great Field Medical Affairs Resume – Part II

Part II: Professional Summary & Work Experiences If you missed Part I, click here! Your resume is your first impression on a hiring manager. It’s important to include all pertinent details, from easy-to-read contact information to the special projects and experiences that make you a great candidate. Read on for a checklist of resume must-haves, and some very important do-nots. Your professional summary is a paragraph at the top of your resume that briefly explains your background and your goals. Think of it as a short, written version of your “elevator speech”: it’s a chance to introduce yourself before going into the nitty-gritty…

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Tips and Tricks for Writing a Great Field Medical Affairs Resume

Part I: The Basics Your resume is your first impression on a hiring manager. It’s important to include all pertinent details, from easy-to-read contact information to the special projects and experiences that make you a great candidate. Here's a checklist of resume must-haves, and some very important do-nots. A resume highlights your skills (particularly those related to the role for which you're applying), emphasizes places of employment over education, and typically runs no more than two pages. A CV emphasizes academic accomplishments, begins with your educational credentials, and can run much longer depending on your publications, posters, and presentations. Most MSLs use a hybrid…

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4 Reasons it’s Good to Have a CPC Certified Recruiter

First and foremost, congratulations to Cori Lattanzi! Cori just became the latest recruiter at SEMbio to pass her certification exam to become a Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC). Becoming a CPC is earned through a certifying exam that is based on employment law and business ethics in recruiting and staffing. It gives certified recruiters a foundation of hiring and recruiting knowledge upon which to build ethical and professional careers.  All of SEMbio's recruiters become CPCs shortly after beginning their careers here in order to have the most qualified and principled team possible. The CPC is one of the most comprehensive certifications…

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Runnin’ Down A Dream: 5 Sembio Hangout Takeaways

A couple of weeks ago we hosted another "SEMbio Hangout." SEMbio Hangouts are a series of virtual meetings we host via Zoom where we meet with MSLs, aspiring MSLs, and MSL managers to discuss trends or popular topics. Our topic last week was "Runnin' Down a Dream," where we got to pick the brains of a few new MSLs to hear their thoughts on how they were able to land their first MSL positions. Our three panelists - Rebecca Hill, Renee Rotolo, and Ren-Jay Shei - have all become MSLs in the past couple of years. While it's always nice…

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