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Virtual Reality and Summer Baseball

I have had this conversation so many times with neighbors and friends, business colleagues, and within the SEMbio family. The expectation of how the stay at home orders would impact everyone’s day to day activities ranged from minimal to life-completely upended. Now everyone in my professional world is working from home. Anyone that thought working from home 24/7 would be a breeze was in for a rude awakening. During the first two weeks of Stay at Home, the medical affairs professionals were much more available than they had been under normal circumstances. It was great to be able to catch…

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5 Tips for Writing an Effective Email

I've written before about why it's important to utilize phone calls rather than to resort to emails. But, there are times when writing an email is just what we have to do. It is forecast that this year, over 300 billion emails are sent daily. There are a lot of emails being written out there! But, how does yours stand out? Whether it's for the purpose of networking, setting up an appointment with a KOL, or checking in with a hiring manager to see if there is an interest in your application, here are 5 tips for writing an effective…

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5 Hobbies to Pick Up While Sheltered-in-Place

Perhaps the main downside of living the life of a Medical Science Liaison is the time spent traveling. Some of you drive frequently across a small territory and your time is spent staring out of the windshield. Others fly frequently over a large territory, spending time going to and from airports and standing in security lines. Either way, one thing you have in common is spending a lot of time in places where you can't quite do anything productive. We're living in an usual period where we're stuck inside and can't quite carry on the routine of which we're so…

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International Day of Women and Girls in Science: 3 Insights, 3 Things Learned

I had the honor of speaking at my alma mater, The University of Texas, at the College of Pharmacy a few weeks ago. The invitation was to speak and organize a career workshop for graduate students and PharmD students. The reason for the event: International Day of Women and Girls in Science. My objective was to provide some solid career advice from how to write a resume to networking to interviewing skills. But an interesting thing happened: while I was preparing for, during and after the presentation and workshop, I learned an incredible number of things, myself! (and for those…

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5 Ways to Maintain Work/Life Balance

A job that can leave you trying to remember which airport you're at isn't exactly the kind of job that comes with a solid work/life balance. Many people may find themselves struggling with the loss of work/life balance in a position like the MSL role, especially when they're first getting the hang of it. But we need to remember, you only get one life, don't work it away! Here are a few reminders for how to keep your head above water. 1. Stop trying to multi-task The dangers of multi-tasking are pretty well documented at this point. Try doing two…

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