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3 Ways to Treat the MSL Interview Process as a Courtship

“I’m interviewing the company as much as they’re interviewing me”. It’s something we hear frequently from candidates while working through the process. Most employers know how candidates feel and how to treat the process. But the art of candidate-courting often gets lost scheduling multiple candidates and interviews. Ease candidates through the process with these 3 Ways to Treat the MSL Interview Process as a Courtship. 

 1.  Show Organization and Etiquette

The interview processes can unravel more often than they should, and reasonable candidates understand the necessity of rescheduling. But don’t tempt fate; because a few missteps can signal candidates that a hectic life is likely with your organization. When a hiring manager can’t keep appointments, candidates imagine how frustrating working with this person daily could be. It’s not easy in the fast-paced medical affairs field, but an organized process paves the way to winning candidates.

2. Give Candidates Ample Opportunity to Learn About the Position

Winning a candidate’s heart means continually educating them about the position throughout the process. If candidates continually feel interrogated without learning new information, they won’t feel the position compares well to others. Good candidates research before starting the interview process. Imagine their disappointment of going through multiple interview steps without uncovering new information. Now imagine their delight while having positive feelings when uncovering new and exciting information with each additional interview step. Do this by ensuring candidates have ample time to ask questions and allow one-on-one time with current MSL team members.

 3. Give Candidates Time to Let it Soak in

This important concept doesn’t get enough attention and is the foundation of this topic. As seasoned MSL recruiters, we’ve seen numerous interview processes over the years. One thing that stands out is this: an interview process that’s too fast is just as dangerous as one that moves too slow. If the interview process drags on too long, you’re increasingly likely to lose candidates. Sometimes, to avoid this, the response is to run a very speedy process. But this can yield equally negative outcomes. Job changes are big decisions and if candidates feel they’ve not had an opportunity to soak-it-in to enable an informed decision, they can get cold feet. Some candidates want to land an offer as quickly without needing time to “sleep on it”. Other candidates comfortable with their current job need time to learn about the position and think it over before severing an existing relationship. 

Questions or comments? Email me at [email protected].

Author: Lawrence Beck, CPC

Lawrence joined SEMbio in 2011 and is a team leader in recruiting and business development. He attended Texas Tech University on a path that led him to obtain his Master’s degree in Sports Management which provides Lawrence a unique perspective as a recruiter.
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