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Virtual Reality and Summer Baseball

I have had this conversation so many times with neighbors and friends, business colleagues, and within the SEMbio family. The expectation of how the stay at home orders would impact everyone’s day to day activities ranged from minimal to life-completely upended. Now everyone in my professional world is working from home. Anyone that thought working from home 24/7 would be a breeze was in for a rude awakening.

During the first two weeks of Stay at Home, the medical affairs professionals were much more available than they had been under normal circumstances. It was great to be able to catch up with so many people that had been so busy in the previous quarter. And then like a smack in the face-BOOM! Zoomapalooza! This became everyone’s new Virtual Reality. A constant chain of meetings via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Webex, etc. It’s so overwhelming that “Zoom Fatigue” has become a real thing. And if you google that term, you will find no shortage of tips to combat it. The good news is that it seems to be a pretty simple fix. The consistent solutions have been:

  1. Don’t schedule Zoom meetings back to back. Schedule breaks between Zoom meetings.

  2. Learn to say NO. (but of course, you can’t say no to everything. Learn to triage your Zoom meetings.)

So, in our new Virtual Reality, we simply no longer have enough hours in the day.  And now we are all asking ourselves and each other: “Where do the hours go?” Well, I’m going to have to get back to you because I haven’t solved this one, yet.

Now, onto a happier topic. Youth baseball is BACK!  My 13-year-old son, Liam, and his team, Frozen Ropes, had their first tournament since February, complete with social distancing and Lysol wipes. 

Finally, a little piece of normalcy has returned.  Watching my favorite baseball player make great plays and smack the ball into the outfield gave me an incredible rush of adrenaline that I’d been lacking.  I never dreamed that I would be referring to a dusty ballpark as my “happy place”. But I am. That was the jolt of energy, the rejuvenating departure from the 150 square feet that I have been relegated to for the past 3 months. It also made it easier to return to my 150 square foot Virtual Reality because…you guessed it! Father’s Day Baseball Tournament this weekend!


Author: Mary C. Morton 

A SEMbio co-founder and managing partner, Mary is also a member of the prestigious Pinnacle Society. Mary graduated from The University of Texas at Austin, College of Natural Sciences, with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology, and additional studies in UT’s College of Pharmacy. She takes the necessary steps to make an employer-employee match that’s “right” instead of simply “right now.”
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