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3 Reasons to Consider Interviewing During COVID-19

With the United States now leading the world in confirmed COVID-19 cases, it’s safe to say there’s uncertainty surrounding our everyday life. And, job security is likely at the top of that list. I don’t think anyone’s first reaction to a pandemic is to leave their essential, stable career. However, I’m here to tell you why this is one of the best times to make a move.

1. Companies are still interviewing

When SEMbio first learned the seriousness of COVID-19, we, of course, wondered what it means for hiring. Companies went silent, interviews were slowing down, and no one was really sure what their next move should be. Fast forward a week, and things are picking up and moving as fast as ever. Our client companies have their bearings and are ready to continue filling open positions. Even though everyone’s current priority is to be on lockdown and let this virus ride out, eventually things will return to normal. These companies want to get ahead of the curve, ensuring solid teams are in place when that time comes.

2. Everything is virtual

Now that our companies have decided they want to continue interviewing, obviously some tweaks had to be made. First and foremost, all interactions will be virtual. In the past few weeks, SEMbio has learned this has surprisingly been a great and easy decision. Having virtual interviews has plenty of pros. It eliminates schedule conflicts that occur when trying to get multiple team members in-house on the same day for an interview. It speeds the process and you’re able to build relationships with potential colleagues without risk to your health. For many of our candidates, it’s been a smooth transition because there’s already a virtual aspect to their position (KOL meetings, virtual presentations, company-wide teleconferences). So there’s not much of a learning curve.    

3. You’ll be home for the next several months – make the most of it

One of the great things about working in field medical is the ability to manage your own travel and schedule. Since MSLs are currently grounded, they’re making the most of the situation and having their KOL interactions via phone/virtual versus in person. As a new MSL, that’s not even a priority yet. Starting a new position during COVID is a great advantage since you’d be spending your first several months doing at-home training. This time at home allows you to become a subject matter expert on new products/therapeutic areas you’d be supporting. And you can start making introductions to the TLs you’ll eventually meet in person. If you’re going to be stuck at home, you might as well make the most of that time, and use it for onboarding for your new position.

Author: Ashley Gulledge

Ashley is a graduate of the University of North Texas with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Management, is CPC certified and has been a Recruiter and Researcher with SEMbio since 2014. She is dedicated to building relationships with her candidates and placing them in companies they are truly passionate about.
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