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SEMbio: Much to be Thankful for in 2021

It has been a year for bouncing back and inching closer to normalcy. While I think most of us still long for things to feel completely back to normal, we still have a lot to be thankful for. Here are some of the top things the SEMbio team is appreciative of for 2021. 


The past two years have been a time to remember how lucky those of us with good health are. Many of us have had family impacted not only by Covid but by the year’s hurricanes, too. We remain thankful for the blessings that we have had with our health during these times.


Not to toot our own horns, but across the board, us SEMbio’ans are thankful for our teammates. Mary says her areas of gratitude include “the best work-family on the planet, period.” Nicole says she loves how we work with such synergy and celebrate each other’s successes. I would have to agree – we have such a supportive team here that is truly deserving of thanks.

The return of activities

Life may not be completely back to normal yet, but it’s enough there for us to be thankful for the opportunity to get back to our hobbies. Mary is particularly thankful for the return of live music. Cori is thankful for the great fall weather we’ve had so she can get back to running outdoors.


And last but not least is, of course, family… which the SEMbio family has a new addition to this year after Linda had a new baby boy! And Rochelle is thankful for her oldest son to be getting into his top college of choice. There is plenty to be thankful for in the extended SEMbio family. 

Questions or comments? Email me at [email protected].

Author: Lawrence Beck, CPC

Lawrence joined SEMbio in 2011 and is a team leader in recruiting and business development. He attended Texas Tech University on a path that led him to obtain his Master’s degree in Sports Management. That experience provides Lawrence with a unique perspective as a recruiter.



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