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Thankfulness Leads to Happiness, Better Health

The holidays are coming and it’s a great time to remember the things of which we are thankful. Not only is it a nice way to close out the year, but science shows that thankfulness leads to happiness and better health, too!

7 Things We’re Thankful for this Thanksgiving

  1. Family – Here’s to the people that made us who we are. Let’s be thankful for the positive influence they’ve made in our lives.
  2. Health – We take our health seriously here, as evidenced by our quarterly fitness challenges! But we know we can’t take this for granted and we’re thankful for the privilege of having good health.
  3. Food & Football – As much as we love our fitness challenges, this is the type of year that is meant to be exempt from diet rules – so we’re ready to dig in! And Thanksgiving isn’t complete without a full slate of College and NFL football. (Go Cowboys!)
  4. Coworkers – When you’ve got a great team as we do at SEMbio, it’s easy to be thankful for your coworkers. Show yours a little appreciation this season!
  5. Pets – Let’s not forget about our furry friends that stay by us as unconditionally as anyone.
  6. Doing Work That Matters – Whether we’re helping candidates find the perfect job, or finding our clients that ‘perfect fit’ to help them meet their goals, we’re blessed and thankful to be doing what we love for a living.
  7. Taking Time off for the Holidays! Lastly, for those of us who forgot to use as many vacation days as we wanted to during the year, the holidays act as a good means to force you to take some time off!

Enjoy some downtime this week and be sure to remember all the things you’re grateful for.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Email me at [email protected].

Author: Lawrence Beck, CPC

Lawrence joined SEMbio in 2011 and is a team leader in recruiting and business development. He attended Texas Tech University on a path that led him to obtain his Master’s degree in Sports Management which provides Lawrence a unique perspective as a recruiter.


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