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5 Things For Which We’re Thankful

This year has made it easy to let our emotions take over, in both good ways and bad. Yes, it has been easy to be annoyed with a lot of the changes we’re dealing with, but that just means it’s easier to remember what we have to be thankful for in this life. Here are a few things SEMbio is thankful for this year.

1. Our Health

I’m not sure there has ever been a time that has made it easier to reflect on how lucky those of us are who have good health and to realize just quickly it could change. I think we’re all taking the time to remember what a blessing it is to be in good health this year.

2. Our Furry Friends

Make no mistake, SEMbio is a group of pet lovers. We’re perpetually grateful for the excitement and love that our dogs and cats bring to our lives every day.

3. Each Other

When you’ve got a group as we have at SEMbio, you have reason to be thankful to get to work every day! I get to work with selfless, smart, and hardworking people every day. I am certainly grateful for that.

4. Pharma’s Strength

In a year full of uncertainties, it has been nice to work in such a resilient industry. Pharma, especially in the MSL community, has proven to be an innovative and very adaptable community. Partnering with the companies and the people that we partner with has made this odd year much easier than it could have been.

5. Upcoming Time Off

I haven’t tallied it up, but I think it’s safe to say that with vacations getting squashed the number of vacation days used at SEMbio is at an all-time low this year. Here is to taking some well-deserved time off during the holidays!

Questions or comments? Email me at [email protected].

Author: Lawrence Beck, CPC

Lawrence joined SEMbio in 2011 and is a team leader in recruiting and business development. He attended Texas Tech University on a path that led him to obtain his Master’s degree in Sports Management. That experience provides Lawrence a unique perspective as a recruiter.
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